New Applications and a News Update on Evo311

New! - Dynamic Department Pages

We now offer dynamic department pages. Departments can now manage their own content, navigation menus, news, calendars, meetings, action buttons (with graphics), and much more.
Look for "Departments" in the main menu, and schedule free training to get started to learn more about department pages.
You can now build mobile-friendly photo-rich action buttons for each department as well.

New! - Event Bookings

We have added event bookings to the calendar system. You can now have event bookings with the ability to have a limited number of reservations, and a guest list. You can also message anttendees from the system. This is available now when adding events to any calendar.

Evo311 Update

Our 311 system for capturing, tracking, and reporting on customer complaints will launch in beta in mid June.  Part of the delay in launching the new system (that replaces our older ticketing system already running) is the integration of GIS Mapping points into our PostGIS database, which is now integrated with the CMS. In other words, our goal with the 311 system was to integrate the data into GIS-Friendly maps of complaints (such as a map of pothole complaints). We can import/export data with ESRI, making mapping mash-ups possible.  This mobile-friendly 311 system comes free with our CMS, and it will include popular request types from some of the largest 311 implementations in the country. Our customers will be able to choose which complaints to capture and they can then route them to appropriate departments. Escalation features and messaging features are also included.

New! - Map Story Interface

We have added a new map story interface to look like ESRI's map story interface.
This enables you to build an attractive parks map, or a downtown map, or an economic development map.
You can build as many maps and layers as you would like. A business directory is also included in the updated mapping system.

More: EvoCloud News New Features